Day 38: The Lion of Judah
Previously, we studied how the enemy is described as a roaring lion. Scripture repaints our picture of a lion through Christ. He is described in many ways, one being the comparison to a lion.
Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals. -Revelation 5:5
Remember, apart from Christ we can do nothing. Apart from him we are weak and frail, vulnerable to attack. We become easy prey for the enemy, described as a lion. And so we need a defender, Jesus, also described as a lion. Are we then simply caught in the middle of a cosmic battle between two forces beyond our comprehension? Not at all! Scripture tells us that we are to stand with Christ, gaining his strength to win battles:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. -1 Timothy 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. -Ephesians 6:12
Rather than being mere byproducts of a fierce cosmic battle between good and evil, we play an active role in this fight. We are participants, drawing strength from the limitless, all powerful, all knowing, and victorious one. Christ won the fight against sin and death. It no longer has its sting, no chance of victory, and no power over us.
Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? -1 Corinthians 15:55
But be careful! We are sure to fail by our own means. Scripture reminds us that in this fight we stand tall only by the one who stands taller, Jesus. After many victories, pride can creep in. If we stride too deeply into the battlefield, with our backs on Christ, we will stumble.
When a branch is cut from a tree, it slowly withers and eventually dies as it has lost its source of life. In the same way, we can slowly find ourselves drifting from our life's source, sufficing for a time. If we are the branches, Jesus is our vine - our source of strength and life. But, just like the severed branch, if we lose connection to Jesus we will eventually rot away and fall back into sin. This is why it is important that we never separate ourselves from the vine.
Embracing Christ means obeying his words and commands. In doing so, we are obeying God. It is a moment-by-moment, day-by-day, year-by-year commitment in this life and the next. In doing so, the enemy loses all power over us and we are free.
Scripture makes a habit of comparing powerful beings to lions. That's simply because lions are not only beautiful creatures, but wield incredible strength. Make no mistake, however, Christ is the most powerful of all biblical metaphors. He is the one and true lion of Judah, with strength beyond our comprehension. But there is another reason why Christ is referred to as a lion. Lions, believe it or not, are extremely affectionate creatures. One article put it this way:
Lions within a pride are often affectionate and, when resting, seem to enjoy good fellowship with lots of touching, head rubbing, licking and purring. The males are territorial, and will roar and use scent markings to establish their domains. [1]
Similarly, Christ shows love and affection towards his church. He is their protector, shepherd, counselor, and friend. He lives in you and me through The Holy Spirit and wants to empower you against the darkness, which is sin. Having a small view of Christ means you'll have a big view of your struggle. We want to reverse that thinking. The Bible compares Jesus to a lion to give us the right perspective. When you imagine him for what he really is, the things of this world grow strangely dim.
Day 38 Application
Have you “fought the good fight” against the enemy? From where does our strength come?
The Bible also compares Satan to a lion. How does he compare to the all-powerful Lion of Judah (Jesus)?
What is it like for you to turn to God with your desires? If you could ask God for anything, what would it be? How would you put James 4:1-10 in your own words?
Have you been held in accountability such that you have been asked difficult questions about your purity? Since the last lesson, how have you been with maintaining your sexual purity?